To provide a more efficient power supply, KEC offers various MOSFET items. KEC's MOSFET products offer energy efficiency, sturdiness and, high-reliability, and are suitable to use in industrial machinery, motor drives, automobiles, and solar power systems.
High Voltage MOSFET
Low Voltage MOSFET
Diodes & Rectifier
KEC has a wide variety of diode portfolios available for use in various fields and applications. The portfolio has been trusted by the customers for a long time and includes stable items such as protection diode, switching diode, zener diode, shottky barrier diode, fast recovery rectifier among others, as well as product lineups with AEC-Q101 certificates, available for use in automobiles.
Bipolar Transistors
KEC's broad built-in bias resistor transistors (BJT) allow for energy-efficient designs. Various packages are offered for quick switch time and switching conduction loss reduction, and are used for various applications such as automobiles, home appliances, cellular and data communications.
Power Management IC
KEC's Power Management IC portfolio offers an efficient solution for various applications in the automobile and industry fields. KEC's wide range of portfolios includes linear regulators, AC/DC converter lCs, gate drivers among others.